My next volunteer trip is calling me back to Puerto Rico – that is – following the one I am taking in November. I thought I might want to keep things varied and share my path along varied routes, but I am leaning towards revisiting and volunteering in Puerto Rico again with another organization. IVHQ sounds lovely and I’m looking forward to it. Still I’m curious about Helping Hands as well.

I thought I would travel various routes to volunteer, and later return to past places (as I did with Pisco), but I am just following my intuition now to help out with disaster relief and sustainable development.

We shall see exactly what I think of or realize next. PSF was amazing and I don’t expect to ever replace it, but as I grow into new roles and a new lifestyle, we shall see. I dare invite you always to check out some places I’ve been (since I can speak to them personally) and anywhere you think of – feel free to invite me as well. I think we’ve reached a new chapter in which folks are more and more conscious of all the small and big effects we have on each other and the environment everywhere.

Right now, I’m planning on two weeks in February. This will end with my birthday week and like Returning to Pisco, it will be gift to me to be around people with the know-how to move past every obstacle.