
January 27, 2022 by Cassandra Johnson
Image Credit by meisterbuehler of Pixabay

Reminiscent of waking up in our dad’s house on a visit when my mom was still with us and then when just my dad was still with us. It was nice to wake up in my brother’s home and just the vibe I needed. I needed to be surrounded by the grounded and comforting feeling I get from family especially in this season of the pandemic leaving us in situations that otherwise make us extra cut off from normal routines.

This was the vibe I needed to fuel my original self and feel I had people caring for me for… well, just being me. Corny can be so real and man I am corny at times.😊 Life reminds me that it is just nice to know there is mutual affection, a shared connection, and new possibilities with our new respective families and potential families.

Even with the supposed advances of technology which can connect you, the connection is not quite the same. Live energy is very real, and we need a variety of life to be the complete people we are.

I had only been back once since the pandemic. A second time was needed. . . and now a third and a fourth and a fifth and a…

Hopefully 2022 will also be better for synchronizing schedules with friends too.

Lastly: Romantic Life. I was mostly rational until very recently. as I reconnected with my ex over the holidays. What started out as confusing and odd turned into something a bit intriguing and endearing. I was curious and opened up the communication with one of the seemingly most considerate guys I ever dated.

Plus, I was reminded of our relationship via the romance and silliness of an old reality TV show. I am glad we just happened to meet on a night I needed to be out, and I am glad that he made his way over to me. I made my way over to him this time – years later, with no expectations and all kinds of expectations. The heart is tricky. Curiosity invades our guarded self-protective decisions. Oops or Yay.

What I am not sure of could feel an anthology but just as equally could what I wonder about. Mostly, I am willing to find out. 😉For love. For travel and for the rest of my life.