How To Go

November 30, 2022 by Cassandra Johnson

Keep showing up. Keep checking in. What is it you really want to do? I repeat those encouraging words to myself although I have felt awkward these last couple of months. Awkward but excited.

I decided to be in venues by myself in addition to hanging out with friends and usually it is admittedly easier to have friends along with you. There are different levels. Museums and the like are easy places to go. Restaurants and sports bars have a different energy.

I am glad I showed up anyway as a matter of not always taxing my friends with my random plans and just as a matter of mixing it up, trying some new things nearby, relatively easy to get to or especially interesting to just me. Just chilling, I am never late nor early. I do at times feel like there is that initial customer radar, the passing glance of: “What’s her story?” “Date coming?” “Friend coming? “Stood up!” “Rowdy person?” Quiet one?” The radar subtly and not so subtly flickers out. Sometimes it doesn’t come, and servers and other employees are already pretty chill. What is intriguing is that I instantly feel more comfortable doing this abroad and I maybe chalk that up to the perspective I wrote about in The Uninhibited Life. I do get comfortable here and people are really friendly and/or flirtatious. I just never know, and I really think I have been more often pleasantly surprised this way.

By the end, I am encouraged to keep reminding myself not to limit what I do to whether I am with people or not. I am reminded you are always meeting people, or you can be chill and relaxed too. Travel underscores this so well.

So I know the encouraging words will not always encourage me. So I do appreciate the company of friends.  However I also want to keep being curious and doing what is a little different. No judgment if I don’t always have the nerve but nice to know I have the possibility to experience adventure, comfort and my freedom.