My Quiet Freedom

September 30, 2024 by Cassandra Johnson

It was Sunday and things seemed quieter in the main areas of Medellin and especially where I am staying. However, this was really just building up to unexpected activity, which I seem to think is more so the normal atmosphere on Sunday, just depending on what social spots you visit besides the contrast of places closing early or not being open at all.

This particular day, yesterday, reiterated what I like about traveling in Latin America and traveling overall. It was a day where there was still a lot to see and many gastronomical options like cafes and restaurants open. I noticed this as I walked more, and I noticed a lot of people were spending their day in Parques del Rios in Medellin. I imagine there were many families and friends also concentrated in other similar recreational spaces. This was me deciding to make my way back to Parques del Rios for the second time though it was a considerable distance from my accommodation. Maybe next time, I will take the metro for part of the way. Most likely, I will not. I enjoy getting there this way, feeling like some exercise and seeing the various performers at the intersections. I had similarly challenged myself, recently, to find a special library in Medellin as well, and getting there and focusing in on my work and thoughts was worth the trek. (Biblioteca Publica Piloto)

My walk to Parques del Rios was on my way to the San Diego neighborhood of Medellin. Later, I was able to explore and end my day picking up some fruit and juice on my way back to ultimately connecting with other hostel guests I had not met earlier and especially one, yet to arrive.

Sunday was peaceful yet vibrant. I ran into a Capoeira group and many families and their pets taking advantage of the warmth in the park, along with vendors and other musical performers there. I watched part of a live concert in the San Diego mall which was super busy as opposed to the smaller ones that shut down earlier.

In the end, I was impressed by my muscle memory finding my way back in the dark and the rain, with a Colombian woman even inquiring If I could give her directions. I apologized to her in Spanish stating I only knew some places and thought momentarily I could be of some help. She smiled and was very gracious.

I recalled meeting a Colombian guy on the way there who was randomly curious where I was going and who asked for my number. I have no plans on dating (I am kind of potentially hopeful and have my heart set on one person) but I feel like I am meeting a lot of like-minded local and traveling friends. I also laughed to myself that once he got my info, I conveniently pretended not to understand the “espere” “wait for me” he stated, because that did not really make sense for me to do so and did not really speak to my security or desires. I am leaning into my instincts and whims and enjoy when they kick in on any level.

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