New Year Renewed


I am back to embracing the idea of resolutions, even if it means just digging deeper into existing goals with more dedication.

For some time, I have shied away from putting a label on the new goals I have each year and the goals I have regularly. Resolution sounds so final.

I can be both idealistic and sternly logical when I need to be, but either way I had somehow become simply superstitious about labeling my goals as resolutions. Setting a 1-year target, corresponding with the start of a new year is exciting. The flip side is daunting.

I think some of the pressure may be unwittingly linked to the idea of a resolution needing to be completed in one year. As distractions naturally happen over a day, a week, or more, I notice discouragement can possibly creep in.

I was thinking now may be a good time to revisit my perspective and how I take on my projects. A lot has changed for me personally and we have all been through a lot in 2020. Measuring my progress in a variety of ways has helped me to stay focused and especially encouraged when I am not focused. I know something has gone awry whenever a goal starts feeling like a job.

The best rework I did for myself was breaking my steps down into even smaller ones. Then I could really take a look at what works for me. As I am impressed by friends and family, I realize we do not always recall all the momentum and accomplishments we reach along the way. They can be so significant, but easily put away.

Goals are allowed to change or be completely replaced.

I am feeling more open to the New Year corresponding with continued projects and mainly just newer milestones.

What is also getting accomplished is the steps leading up to the bigger ones. What was accomplished was leaving my job and organizing my time better.

Goals are considerably interesting these days. They are there to be revisited. I am welcoming the flexibility as long as there is progress and/or reflection.

Image Credit: Canva