
October 31, 2022 by Cassandra Johnson

I tend to overwork. I now confirm this is for others and for myself. I did not do as much yesterday and the day before (Sunday and Saturday) but to my credit that is because I did not receive as much to do for freelance translating and to my credit, I have been taking off when I need to spend quality time with friends and family.

Put simply however, I still have been waiting a bit late to factor in how much I can take on.

The good news: I am in a better position to focus on personal goals and financial freedom.

The bad news: I am so used to working hard in general, I have to rethink how to accept taking things easier, sleeping more, and having more simple times with myself and others. I get a chance to embrace more of what I know really matters.

Better news: I look less stressed and there is absolutely next to no work politics.

The list continues:

My pros and cons can be flipped on different sides, but mostly I am realizing this is a mindset along with organization where I can make sure I work enough, but no longer to the detriment of health, downtime and time with people.

So watch to see that I follow through when it comes to catching a game with my fellow Ohio State Alum buckeyes this weekend at the bar and lunching or brunching with my good friend and former cool boss.

This is the beginning of getting another life lesson done. Being on my own and being flexible does not mean filling my time with more work. This is the beginning of teaching myself how to work as long as I enjoy it (including healthy challenges). This is the start of me showing myself how to fit in the quality time of me and others, learning to travel while working… travel while playing… feeling what it is like to be more at ease.