November 30, 2023 by Cassandra Johnson

I can’t forget Clara. I really wasn’t all that committed to getting a lock for my locker at my temporary hostel (perhaps between Air B&Bs) but as I asked each employee in Spanish at (local and chain) stores, gas stations and convenient stores and I was told the next store up or nearby would have some, I became more dedicated and as I went to the next next, the next adjacent and next nearby. I was going to be okay with just getting it at Walgreens until I checked at Loiza 99₵, (the dollarish store named after the street I was on and which I have come to adore). I implored here about the lock and was told to go to the Norte Shopping Center. The instructions sounded doable but, oh boy, maybe not so much. I left for Norte Shopping Center optimistically and immediately after leaving, I was called back into the store. An elderly petite customer from San Juan had apparently offered to walk with me there. Man, did I have no idea where I was about to attempt to go. She took me through much more of a shortcut. We walked slowly and chatted, but I am sure she got me there faster.
Only what I didn’t realize is that we were happening on a shopping center with actual bargains, a place without any tourists. I also didn’t know we would be chilling while looking at clothes and Christmas items together. I was half wondering if this was my Angel Aunty and I thought exactly yes, as we walked diagonally to the area and she laughed contently remarking on the places in the neighborhood and making casual observations about the pretty painted homes we passed. Simultaneously, she admonished some dangerous areas on the street, puddles, etc or drivers who didn’t seem to be paying attention. The young, middle age and elderly Puerto Rican men all stepped aside politely and gave us just one curious look here and there.

I waited for her to finished getting some new shoes. She had picked up a Christmas piece at Calle 99 cents and she just added these to the bargains. Clara and I walked back as I confided to her that I had also stopped back in this area to check on a friend who wanted to stay here longer but was having some reservations about being able to do so. I only heard from the friend once that day and finding out she lost her phone, I did not know what to do next but wait a couple more hours and then head back to the place I was currently staying.
Clara and I stopped at her bus stop and right before her bus came, I felt like this could just be “See You Later” (“Hasta Luego”) or “See You Around”. She said “Ahhh” at my desire to be here for a bit and being conditioned in the days of my now lifestyle, I wanted to see if she was on Whatsapp, Instagram or Facebook. Well, um, lol, I dared mention Facebook and she chuckled and scoffed while also mentioning people talk too much on there. . I was thinking, Mark Zuckerberg is not reaching everybody he would like to reach. I am on there, but she was not inclined in the least to do the same. She could just get to be my friend who I could see again or maybe one of the many people I can’t help but meet and connect with for the day or several days. Like my customer service days, you never knew, and how kind life can be just to be kind, just to laugh with each other and exchange contact information when you can or maybe missing saying goodbye to a temporary roommate and perhaps exchanging only partial goodbyes. We may meet again and we may be moved how nicely we are able to stay in touch and often, we are just moved to spend our casual days with like-minded individuals.