Sustainable Bolivia


You simply needed to be a community volunteer to seek a home at the Sustainable Bolivia house in Cochabamba. As Margaret’s time, subleasing in the Brazilian couple’s home, was coming to an end, we would find ourselves there. Margaret was the sole volunteer of our group at that moment, before Juan had the inspired thought for us to likewise help out at her school. One visit there and he would also have quite the unchallenging time convincing me to join. 😊 The school was how she came to live in the city.

Margaret and I were prepared to live in the Sustainable Bolivia house, though we would actually just end up being everyday visitors there. Juan would be the one we were visiting. He was with us on the initial day we were checking it out, but more so on the periphery. Funny it became the perfect find for him. There was just one spot open.

Margaret and I wanted to stay in the same house so when we were informed there was another smaller rental property around the corner, we opted to look there. Alternately, he would be our regular guest there. The added bonus: Visits from Friedrich. The four of us were able to rendezvous on the regular between his freelancing, our volunteering, various sight-seeing, clubbing and low key hanging out with people from Sustainable. Our routine was just a little different from Melrose Place.

Juan’s new home had the PSF small-footprint vibe which calls to unique experiences. Out and about in some places in South America may not always be ideal (like anywhere) but rather than limitations, I’m impressed how creative the organizations, travelers and locals can prove to be. My daily was now assisting with Margaret’s day care class and Juan was helping with one of the primary levels. How easily everything had transformed into my ideal scenario. My only immediate issue was something I briefly introduced – what I was sure was a relentless leg cramp from the bus trip from Sucre. It had to be. I was loving life. I was doing more than okay only I wasn’t okay.