Surrender: Highly Recommended


I highly recommend Judith Orloff’s thoughts and insights courtesy of the below pictured, The Power of Surrender. Any aspect of life you can think of is covered here and how we can embrace more ideas of moving into or away from so many parts of our life that serve or don’t serve us. Doing so without resistance is really key. Not squashing our dreams, not overdoing certain actions and understanding intuitively what is really playing out for us. How should we proceed or perhaps when should we just be?

I was pretty much savoring this book as one of my last reads during the partial metro shut down and even had my additional type of surrender letting it go, yet it now does and can serve as my guideposts, a kind of bible to go back to, to reference, at times to simply enjoy and get to understanding that every light and shadow is an integral part of life. No spoiler alerts but there are some enticing portions on health, happiness, love, soul mates, soul friends, embracing your calling, embracing your sexuality… accepting the surrender of death (your own and others and understanding interesting elements of letting go and holding space in respect for the last in a particularly special way).

Embrace illness, sadness, solutions and give into joy…the list goes on.

Incidentally, it was also understandably entitled the Ecstasy of Surrender: 12 Surprising Ways Letting Go Can Empower Your Life. I have moved on or rather immersed myself in more teachings/thoughts on evolving mindsets (in addition to my preceding years of similar studying). Moving on from this one is not really an accurate description, however. Only literally. There are so many lessons, complementing one another, ideally continuing to intertwine along the way.

Orloff, Dr. Judith (2014). Power of Surrender: Let Go and Energize Your Relationships, Success and Well-Being. New York, NY: HAY House UK LTD.