Life Curious

2019 DC Embassy Chef Challenge

Finally, I had the chance to get back to working on some of my additional interests, despite my good problems of having an abundance of freelance work and intermittent not so sleep-fulfilled nights.

When I first moved to the Washington, D.C area from the Midwest, I volunteered with learners of English as a Second Language.

Seems like a lifetime ago, but I also recall I was a part of the “Conversation Language Program” at Ohio State. I was fairly free with my schedule back in college (though it was filled with working, classes and hanging with friends). I worked through times of coping while at the same time enjoying myself in a lot of ways. Life never pretended to be just black and white. There were challenging times to mirror the mostly delightful ones. Overwhelmingly, I was free in the way I was willing to explore all my interests. Seeing all the opportunities available to me, I knew many of them would be international in scope and involve languages. Though not inclusive of all my passions, these interests would absolutely take up most of my intrigue.

Fast forward to now. Recently, as I started teaching on a virtual English learning platform and otherwise assisting language learners in various ways, memories of both college and my first couple of years in D.C. played on my mind. My interests were piqued by being able to now work with someone in a more tech-savvy way and the value the students and the company place on the program is refreshing. I am on the platform just a little here and there, as my schedule permits, I find it quite nice that diligent teachers can do well.. I hope to get amazingly organized. Someday. The old school part of me recalls just being impressed with downloadable lesson plans I could walk through with my co-teacher on-site, in a classroom.

Primarily being from a small city, I will always remember college as the global introduction I welcomed from the world. I was fortunate to be in a space early on including both domestic and international friends and acquaintances and finally fortunate to be traveling and sharing. I look forward to meeting more people when I continue and especially sharing our distinctions and how similar we all tend to be.