Easy Stress

December 31, 2022 by Cassandra Johnson

I gave up on the notion of celebrating outside of my place. I’m happy for the New Year but also happy to save some money and even make some money during the holiday. I previously felt the pressure when asked what I was doing for the holidays, but sometimes I think it’s okay to just be okay with enjoying the day as normal, just as cities and towns may shut down a bit early or have a lot of revelry, respectively.

I think I’ve celebrated when I’ve liked and of course there’s even been times when the holidays are depressing but sometimes they’re just not and you feel like being quieter, reflective, just plain old chill. I’ll bring in a little extra dough and who knows, be on a beach about this time next year.

Every once in a while, It feels good to let go of the notion of having to have big plans or having to share time with a lot of people, when you can just catch up on face time or calling or text. Sometimes, pure relaxation is the order of the day.

I remember a few times when I really was just happy that I didn’t have to go into the office on a holiday. I was getting the day off and I relaxed at home against the misperception that you have to be out and about, in public or at someone’s home. Sometimes you want that, sometimes you don’t and just like what is expected of us such as having a certain job, having certain titles etc., we can quickly forget what we truly feel like doing.

As I relaxed and worked on Christmas, I felt really good letting go of the notion that I had to be doing something else more traditional. I welcome tradition and good food and company of course but I also don’t mind taking it easy, making my solo travel plans and having fond thoughts of being with others later on and just as I have been doing it in general, so much lately.

Lessons in letting go of small parts of my life have already brought me ease. I have traded bigger stressful situations for the kind of stress I can more easily remedy. Letting go of a job that did not serve me was my first step. I then let go of a lot of tasks that were like jobs but mostly just overextending myself. There is still a lot I want to do to help communities, but I have to make sure I am okay first too and not going on fumes like I previously have. I would be neglecting my true needs and hopes, being unkind to my mind and body. I realize it’s better to give back to people from a healthier foundation and take care of myself as well. There is a mutual respect in that.

So as I ring in the low key New Year, I am just as pleased for all the catching up with people through the various magic of technology and reconnecting with them in person throughout the year.