
September 29, 2022 by Cassandra Johnson

Seeing people in the limelight seems like glamour exists alone or at least is so highlighted that not much pain seems to exist. No matter how much one may hear of a struggle, easier is imagining someone on top as you see them having some luxury. Hard to imagine them chiseling away at their craft, sweating it out, losing sleep, losing money, losing motivation but I have to imagine this is also a lot of people’s experience before they make it look effortless.

Rihanna must be right. I take a page out of what I think must be in hers,  JLo’s and the books of many others about work, including a lot of successful people who are not necessarily famous, who I also admire.

Being successful at passions you are pursing is satiating, whether that means being well known celebrity wise or considerably fulfilled in other respects. Attaining goals is a reflection of ourselves and what is possible and even just putting in the effort is reaffirming.

For that matter, I am still going at it. Being in charge of me is not necessarily easy sailing. I keep getting the reminder.

Funny, I do not think I would receive criticism from others for going back to my old work but probably the most stinging critique would come from me. I know I have wanted to explore for a long time so this would not exactly be okay for me, perhaps probably better off for a moment but mostly I would definitely come out mentally worst for the wear.

There would be a different kind of easy that comes with throwing in the towel. I am happy to put in the work. I am happy with the new freedom. I just have to get more accustomed to the idea of working every day, even some partial days as I am still at what I consider my first steps. This is when I think of some particular people like those above.

Artist and influencers of all kinds just happen to be who we see the most. I imagine them still grinding away or most definitely before they had enormous success. Some may find it odd that I work for extended periods of time on any day although I take breaks. I recognize a need to build first before having more of my values met. More time with family. More time with friends. More time traveling. More time volunteering.

Considering there are still no guarantees, I want to see how attainable work and non-work objectives can be, still taking some breaks daily and regularly to stay healthy, especially to get through so much focused work on longer shifts. Variety is needed.

Trying to settle on the right timing for me, luxury is not necessarily unwelcomed. We shall see. No denying all the flash packing, open bars, tasty food and naps in between.