Unfortunately, in Puerto Rico, the coordinator of my specific project was not feeling well, but I was pleased they found a spot for me the next day. This allowed me to do some light organizing in the overall project’s office and get a vacation I didn’t realize I needed. At the same time, I had the chance to connect with folks, (volunteering, working, or traveling through) who reaffirmed a lot of the things that make me smile the most.
Another new volunteer for the week and I received our orientation on Monday and since it was a holiday, our volunteer lead in Puerto Rico came to the hostel to take us to our project site and then on to Old San Juan for touring. Us IVHQ newbies (yet respectively seasoned volunteers) both agreed we didn’t need to get out at the building at which we’d be returning the next day, but rather the Uber driver could continue on to the next spot in Old San Juan. (Funny, because we would still get a little lost the next day)
Leaving the Uber, (we weren’t able to get the bus on Monday, other days proved more successful), we stopped to sight see – we were taken to one of the famous old Spanish forts. The nice fusion of being an IVHQ volunteer: getting to know the people and experience the culture of an area in different aspects and getting to help in a variety of ways.