Good and lost

October 30, 2022 by Cassandra Johnson

I lost myself in the best way over these last couple of months. I felt how I did most days when I began traveling on my own, getting away from limiting thoughts just related to myself and following moments that captured my focus.

As I was getting increasingly enthusiastic about my student’s latest accomplishment, I realized something I had practiced unknowingly before. I knew the feeling but could not put a name to it. Now I have a better understanding of how lost I have been recently… how lost I can get.

You see … in my spare time, I teach English to a number of people with lessons online or we just have conversations to help them grow their communication skills with our chosen/random topics and my tips. Although one of my most recent students and I were excited about future prospects, I really came away knowing we were wrapped up in the present moment. Time flew and has been flying each time.

So I have been carrying on lately, not absent of visions of dreams and goals but trying more so to mimic the calm the mind has when I’m interacting with my students. I’m only just a bit ahead in where we can go in our lessons and we are getting to know each other. The clock takes care of itself and lets us know when we have 5 minutes, 2 minutes, 10 seconds and then our goodbyes.

I want to be more grounded in daily activities, especially with the help of other people. I want to be everyday-satiated like travel-me, teacher-me and translations-completed me.  I see there is some peace to be had there. There is peace away from a demanding world.

The world otherwise seems to demand our planning. We easily get to forgetting the idea that we can be okay right now, not one step ahead, too much into what is next or lingering in some unhelpful past feelings. We could easily think to ourselves how happy we will be to live there in that achieved future or recall how vividly beautiful a past experience or relationship was.

As the teachings go, (mostly I read Eckhart Tolle), you really just always have the present moment. The past and future could be guides, can be celebrated and appreciated but recall that moving out of one and into the other simply once was and will become the present.

I like this lesson just from being caught in truly how excited I am for students to be sharing their lives and goals and with this particular one, to be caught up in how she is nicely improving and what she is doing during the last of her university days.

Here we are, being truly alive and not lamenting or hoping to either extreme. We will naturally reminisce (I think that’s lovely). We also naturally plan for the future (that’s normal and needed for hope). I still feel that’s okay just like I feel it is okay and natural to have a range of emotions. It is only getting stuck in the past or distractingly projecting ahead that keeps us from our present chances at having satisfaction.

Learning Life


There is so much to overwhelm my new work process right now if I decide to go that route. Getting to know myself as an independent worker and deciphering the protocol of what I should do with an LLC are high on my list. There are a lot of freelancing and entrepreneurial resources out there which are free and some not so free. I was fortunate to finish up one webinar recently, offered through a freelance translation and interpretation group in my area.

The webinar was right on time. I am a free agent now. As a full-time freelancer, I can presently focus on what was just recently, a very time-consuming, yet loved side hustle. I subsequently realized I could also be very afraid of what doing my taxes might now look like.

Image Credit – Pixabay

Fortunately, the speaker managed to ease our tax-anxious minds. She began with an informal survey of the group and like me, most of the interpreters and translators found tax preparation to be quite daunting (moderately to extremely stressful).

As she focused on how people in our positions can navigate our taxes, daunting became doable and something about her approach reminded me of the proper way to acquire knowledge in general. I need to continue taking my time. Sometimes it will be fast, but I do not mind getting to know everything I need to know to continue helping others as I revisit all my goals.

The presenter turns out to be an interpreter turned tax pro who got to this point via some frustrating experiences. There were no tax advisors in her space (in our space) with the ability to really explain why she owed taxes in some years and in other years, she did not.

You know my interests are quite varied, seemingly random, and I am excited about all the information there is to pick up along the way. Moving forward or sometimes back, I’m seeing the potential in some webinars, books, some YouTube, life’s teachers and life’s lessons. I am more properly checking off my list and adding to it.