You May Go Home Again


You may always go home again. Yes. Despite the near contrary expression, I believe this to be true. Whether it be your home away from home, where you were born and raised, or just where you feel most yourself.

9 years after volunteering in Pisco, Peru, I was there again and welcomed with open arms by people I knew and to whom I’ve remained connected. I was welcomed by new “curious friendly” * stares as well. Truthfully, the latter was just as reminiscent of the comfort I found my first time in South America overall. I won’t say all is rosy, but the overwhelming majority of experiences are very receptive ones.

As I also travel back to Ohio to visit, I know going home to family is solely being wherever they have landed. You can always go home to family, to the loved ones that love you, no matter where they may be. The affection is multiplied by my brothers’ welcomes and from the extended family through them.

Changes, in my perspective, only reside in how we should grow. We should not want to be the same. We should want every day to be wiser and more comfortable in our own skin, but we can also know the significance of homes as foundations that can help us grow. Also, true for our passions. We can tell where we feel the most at home by what makes us come alive. Where we find our heart with people and energy is where we find our home and we should always be traveling there.

*Benny from fluent in 3 months

The curious friendly stares he describes are a good description of some nice experiences when abroad

Photo Credit: Pete Linforth on