I HAVEN’T QUITE GOTTEN THE CHANCE to try supplementing my income as a potentially reduced income earner (though it could also go the other way). Between getting a considerable amount of freelance translation work and still being able to help out at my old company, my schedule is not lacking for variety of activities. Not even a little bit.
During such a globally taxing time, finding time for balance is hardly a bad predicament. I realized this early on and though I may perhaps be sleep deprived from time to time, I am pretty hell bent on getting this right or as near to right as possible. Getting to work on all the projects I like and being able to help people (which at times is mutually inclusive) is all worth the effort to me. I am intrigued how time for family and friends and personal well-being is recurring throughout my days, because I am working on the former good habits while embracing the bad ones of, let’s say, perhaps maybe too much chocolate.
Finding time, due to there being several opportunities and many resources to explore, is quite a good issue to have. The circumstances are rather nice when transitioning from one work mode of 9ish to 5ish to whatever a freelancing schedule will look like. Taking the leap when the advice is to lock down my traditional role in what seems an especially unpredictable time has been destabilizing for me but at the same time, so rejuvenating.
With a little understatement, it shall be interesting to see how I do when I am just freelancing soon, or at least doing it 90% of the time. However, since I have been given the chance, I am thankfully embracing the continued multi-tasking of gradually transitioning just a bit longer from one step to the next.
Such is my way of life for now. In the interim, some considerable progress has been made, sometimes quite substantial progress. At times, my day is even organized. Deadlines are actually met and in retrospect, I realize I have accomplished a lot more than anticipated.
I am picturing, like many circumstances, this transition period will be done before I know it. Still, I am pleased with the opportunity to make things easier for my now almost former team, while simultaneously designing a new lifestyle, almost nomadic, almost traveling, and largely flexible.
Currently, this is just about finding time for everything among translating, networking, eventual volunteering, travel, and some other projects. We shall see. Socializing (virtually and social distancing) is not to be forgotten. I am realizing the significance of this even more so, during a pandemic.
I am putting together my seemingly unruly schedule. My head is connecting with the pillow even more. There is a lot to be done but I already notice the flexibility in my choices. Now, I choose to work diligently on my new goals, both work and non-work related. Cheers to yet another chapter on managing me and to you for coming along. Your time is always appreciated.
…Cassandra Johnson has resigned her position with the association, her last day will be Monday, November 2. We are sorry to see Cassandra depart the association, but wish her well! Thank you-
Above is how the announcement to my colleagues read.
The letter to my Director read:
…Thanks for our talk! It has been a pleasure getting to work with you and I appreciate all your support. I am going to take this time to continue focusing my time around traveling and volunteering. I am thankful for the opportunity I have had to meet so many dynamic and committed people, both as members and as colleagues and I will miss you and [the company]. I would like my last day to be November 2, 2020. I thank you for some very well-spent time.
The nervousness was intense as I went back and forth on the moment I knew this was right.
I am grateful I was able to step through the experience when in some ways, life remains seemingly easy when it is more predictable. Equally, I am also truly grateful for the opportunity to work at this last company for five years, This is not to say work was simply easy, but there have been plenty of nice times with plenty of cool people.
Following an even lengthier time of working away in various offices, I am surprised at how I no longer seem to be as nervous as guessed I would be upon leaving. Opening this next chapter feels more like a personal evolution.
Everyone is different and every soul requires something uniquely personal to grow. It could be inside an office or far from one.
I am interestingly satisfied and hungry at the same time. There is no blueprint because none of our paths can be exactly the same. I have no one to follow exactly. Still I am seeing how excitement overtakes the nerves and I am sensing the possibilities in being even more myself. Now it is a week from yesterday (updated) that will be my last one at work and changing careers for me has become more unorthodox than ever. Still I have my fellow travelers like many of you and nomads alike who inspire me and let me know what is possible. More to come. More to grow. Thank you for your time spent with me.
This is what I have most likely concluded: I am just about two weeks away from walking away and stepping into my new uncertain schedule. I am excited and deeply nervous. Notice the two weeks or rather the two-week notice.
Will I work? I would say I am interestingly unprepared because I have very little lined up for stability aside from some very interesting prospects which I developed on my side hustling detours.
My calculation: Being nomadic with one or two home bases. That is ideal.
One note about the objective: I have already learned a lot about myself and my process when it comes to working for myself. It is both encouraging and scary.
The question is how will I sharpen my skills and finally turn into the leisure traveler and volunteer, who has big plans but a fairly open agenda.
Nothing is written in stone. Thank goodness. Will I be back to an orthodox life? I hope not. My goal may change, and I welcome new knowledge. My goal may become a variation on a theme.
Okay, but truly how vague is this blog entry going to get? 😊 You know the key elements: freelancing, nomadic, traveling-when-it-is-safe-to-do-so, and a pending notice to give up my current work life as I have known it. I am so accustomed to working a certain way, I sense life will be odd, yet I cannot ignore a growing excitement.
Right now, I also have my eye out for the gigs which are most supportive of me, as my true self, as my new lifestyle is growing. I need the support of all things less draining and which actually fill me with energy. I can tell the difference. This drive compels me, and I feel less washed out. I feel like I can work longer or like I do not always need to work so hard, and rest comes much more naturally. These days it sometimes just feels like exhaustion and I suspect that to be more so from the mental gymnastics.
For now, this is it. I laid out a lot in my related posts below but just as much as I do not know the details of what is next, I am leaving this open.
Time to appreciate where I am now and where I am heading. This weekend, I get to experiment.
Since I have been inundated with work, spilling into the weekends, I am taking this weekend back for me, and not in a traditional way. I aim to be working harder, which is not always tempting when there is finally time for rest. I have got some freelancing to do and I am encouraged to focus on this for a while.
I simply must answer to me but in a way much less like myself as the worker bee with little flexibility. The preparation is for a steady transition. I understand steady may not happen. Mainly, I get to enjoy my work and share more of it as well.
I get to do this and plan for my next trip. With my vision aimed towards more travel and community, I am now looking at Helping Hands in Puerto Rico or a similar organization. Perhaps almost exactly one anniversary away from the time I volunteered with IVHQwill be the perfect timing. I was recently reminded by the posts of a temporary roommate and co-volunteer I met there. The various comments and his vivid pictures remind me. Our objectives seem similar. We wish to keep seeing the world, being of some service and enjoying the life we have to share.
Organizing for work on Saturday reminded me I can do more of this for myself at home. Streamlining my day was first on my agenda on Monday, my first true workday after a weekend.
Some tasks are excessive, I am realizing. I need to unravel them. I may just be used to extra challenges in a so called “hard working day” when the struggle is not always so necessary. The words are red tape, endless paperwork, and protocol to name a few.
The overanalysis and fear of outcomes can take a step back as well. I desire so much for all of us to be okay, but the control I have is mainly with me. There has been a rewarding shift towards my own passions and creativity, such as translating and writing. Traveling is to be continued soon hopefully😊. Looking forward to meeting more of the world and sharing it accordingly.
Interesting at a moment when I am feeling significant and recognized in my current space, I know the place to no longer be quite congruent with me. My work has been to help others in various ways, but I am moving from one venue of assistance to another, to work on rebuilding.
I will continue back to places I have ventured to intermittently and within new ones. I post, not fully organized, but so full of assurance that my nervousness is excitement.
Plans are sometimes meant to be uncertain (expanding along the way) but as I noted before, I sensed I would soon be back in Puerto Rico for a while. The idea has been circling since last November’s trip and there will be more details to share – seeing if it is the very next place and what is necessary to navigate with the most safety and responsibility. Your time is always appreciated. Thanks for spending some of it with me.
I have added several, (perhaps too many additional tasks) that translate into potential income. The last few weeks have given me the opportunity to sort through some obstacles and create a few more as well.
Not only did I discover a bit more regarding my objectives, I also unraveled some more of my own psychology when it comes to transitioning from a basic standard work life to a more freelancing nomadic one.
Allowing for a scenario which would enable me to volunteer more broadly in addition to traveling leisurely has not been hard on the imagination at all. My efforts were intense.
My conclusions were quite intriguing.
Turns out, I am one person (albeit energetic).
Easily matching my passions for traveling, my culture and many other cultures is my interest in translating. However, suddenly combining freelance assignments with already required work threw me off balance for a bit. How would I reconcile my time with what I had been conditioned to believe sustains me versus taking a chance on a freer style workflow? More freedom could also mean more risk. Alternatively, there might be more opportunity than what is currently available.
Fortunately, my random juggling did not end in the easy temptation to give in and set my new attempts aside. Strange that life would seemingly be simpler if I stay with what appears certain. However, the bigger challenge has been staying and wondering.
The challenges of freelancing can be grueling yet exciting. Perhaps there is less stability. What about the possibility to gain much more? Self-direction and choosing the most appealing projects speak to freedom once again. The path becomes clearer. The outcome may do the same. Eventually.
I digress and return to my first clear lesson of seeing myself operating as one person. I can pull off a certain amount of work in a particular time frame. I should keep up the work but not overextend myself. I can draw from considerable resources, including other professionals and enhance my process.
2. Accountability Leads to Greater Efficiency: As I delved into taking on more, I saw how much more I was capable of doing. Prior to being given multiple projects (outside of my day job), I would unwittingly stall, carefully trying to pick the perfect project or some otherwise perfect side gig. Too carefully.
Reaching out, submitting my credentials, and suddenly being connected with a different kind of company caused me to work readily and be more accountable. My natural work ethic would drive me to fulfill their requirements as well as those of the end clients.
Still, more lessons were to be learned. The tools and techniques I can incorporate into my future process have been noted and I know there will be more to come.
The encouraging side note was seeing the many existing opportunities and the increasingly better ways to prepare for them.
The workflow would have also been more than reasonable without previous obligations. I have to wonder about those obligations not being there and if I am impeding some of the steps along the way.
3. Self-Acknowledgement Is Needed: The best reminder to give myself credit is the encouragement I receive from family and friends and it is my pleasure to offer the same.
A motivating factor in going forward is self-reflection. Looking back and enjoying the present with all the attempts made and the objectives reached means we all can be strong messengers for ourselves. Challenges can be daunting and recognizing what has been accomplished reinforces our drive.
Following my all-nighters, I remembered the importance of credit for just the attempts. If we can recognize the diligent work of others, we can see our own hard work as well. Getting some parts right and getting some of them wrong helps the process. Turns out, we are capable of so much. Thank goodness for a detour. Thank goodness for the opportunities outside the box.
As part of an outing with a D.C. tours and events group, I spent Thanksgiving weekend (just a few months after my Cuban immersion) in New York. I decided to momentarily do something a little less than traditional, though there was talk of a big dinner on the first evening we arrived. The plan was tentative, following introductions of our multi-city group and our walk through the Chelsea High Line.
The hearty group dinner did become quite void and shifted into much more of a scene of us getting caught up in the tour, discussing our interests and backgrounds, and splitting off to wherever our food cravings guided us.
No matter the derailment. Welcome the spontaneity which plays off the organized schedule. I am reminded some of the best outings grow out of these elements. The first night’s highlight was the High Line. The rest of the weekend would consist of a considerable number of stops, including eclectic eateries, art museums, a couple of historical museums, and some shopping on the last day. (I ducked out about a day early, however.)
This abbreviated trip coincidentally came right after an almost magical blast from my past, those lovely days of living and volunteering in South America when I was not preparing but forewarned of what would be my reverse culture shock. Two former co-volunteer friends, now a lovely couple, were visiting the U.S. Now they were on the east coast (my current home). I was back in town so there was nothing imaginable to stop me from seeing this German-Peruvian duo, whom I adore and meeting their adorable sons. Nothing could stop me, but my very post-Cuban jet lag would make getting there somewhat more interesting. Jet lag was very real for them as well, compounded with the commendable attention of keeping up with their boys.
Laughably, I look back. I seriously underestimated the time it would take for me to rent a car and get through traffic from D.C. to Central Park. We were able to meet and catch up before they headed to their flight… fortunately. However, with such an overdone underestimation, I did, in fact manage to miss the first couple of spots we planned to meet.
The weekend Thanksgiving trip to New York was quite different. My non-thinking (not so organized) plans from just a few months prior caused me to smile, as I realized I was glad I had not been thinking all that much. I may have thought I would not make it before they had to go. I may have convinced myself not to try. They completely understood though we were all excited at the possibility of seeing one another.
What I knew more was if we were so nearby (at least technically without traffic) this made sense for me to swing by in a way. Otherwise, we were now living so far apart. I think of this and I am glad my thoughts were ‘Of course’.
I am glad for the times I do not give myself an overabundance of time to think unnecessary thoughts and relieved I am not at times transforming hesitations into inaction.
I do hesitate with certain questions, like I imagine many of us do. How completely understandable, but perhaps our truest answers come in an instant. We barely need to ask.
Wanderlust is very real and I got my first tastes during and after life in Peru and Bolivia. Life after Cuba hit me quite starkly as well and it is not so much that I don’t greatly value my everyday non-traveling days. Quite the opposite. It is only that I acknowledge I have a thirst for more exploring and being immersed in some different energy from time to time. I like to mix it up and be in some different environments, getting to see how different we are and how much we are mostly alike.
Desires and necessities are overarching and at the same time, there are these beautiful landscapes, natural and human-made masterpieces, languages, cuisines and countless customs. Traveling from state to state and city to city houses its thrills as well. Getting to San Diego, Atlanta, Philadelphia, New York, New Orleans, Chicago, Las Vegas, Atlantic City and on and on were the goals just as the literal and figurative steps along the way were the objectives as well. Exhilaration. The travel journey has layers and the recognition is in the present moments we enjoy in getting there and being there. There’s some thrill in meeting the obstacles as well and conquering them or maybe not so much😊
Being in the sky, on the road and being in transit within destinations equals our journeys and the very presence we are spending in places, with people or in perfect solitude is our power and our fortune.
Conclusions from Inside Cuba in 2016: A Lot Can Happen in 10 Days
We were coincidentally following in the footsteps of our new Australian confidants, Emily and Elise, when we headed to Viñales for our second Cuban stop. Their trip was about half the time as ours so a bit accelerated. They would be heading to Mexico next.
Viñales would become my favorite Cuban spot. This vivid horse and cart town had popped up on our checklist. Perhaps we would get to see some caves as well.
It would be a couple of days before we partnered with additional people traveling through Cuba. Occasionally grouping together is good for saving money on trips between cities and a plus for drivers who prefer full carloads in respect to the cost of fuel.
The bus was an occasional option, but there was the limitation of a set schedule. We would jump into the local shared taxis, the classic American car taxis or something of a man-powered bike, depending on whether we were two or more.
Our casa particular (private home) in Viñales was a room that had its own private entrance, so unlike the one in Havana, we came and went without much interaction with the owner (not better, just different). Other than some ants that seemed to think they were renting as well, this place was nice and neat.
Though our rental rooms differed in size and comforts, my belief is they had to be high quality to adhere to just one of so many government-mandated regulations.
We had found this one on the fly – just rolled up without a place to stay and found someone who knew someone who knew someone, as was seemingly the way with all aspects of this tourism market. I didn’t take that chance at all coming from abroad, but once we were inside, it was easy to find places.
Later that night we would meet up with Emily and Elise for dinner, to hang out and incidentally dance the night away.
KT and I had reached Viñales the day before Castro’s 90th birthday, coincidentally. Most people were off work and every nightlife scene we found ourselves in seemed to be in his recognition or a party scene in general. I can see how there can also be quite the contrast of strong feelings for many expats.
We were casually chatting, strolling through the plaza. How lucky the four of us could meet up again. We danced outside. Elise motioned to me and whispered there was a guy behind me, dying to dance with me. I recollected my basic salsa skills. I’m unabashedly prouder of my freestyle ones, so I was relieved I could remember these steps I don’t use too often. I think I can speak/write for everyone. The night swept us away.
KT and I walked to Emily and Elise’s casa particular the next day. Their rental was on a pretty street, one like many others in this town. Each house was a vibrant color, distinct from the ones surrounding it, yet instead of being gaudy, the look was most fitting, more like a painting. Men drifted by slowly on horse-drawn carts. Vintage cars for everyday use rolled by and as we waited with the ladies who were waiting for their tour guide, someone’s exotic bird continued saying “Hola”.
We sat on the porch with Emily and Elise for what we realized was going to be much later than their agreed upon appointment. The experiences of KT and I had been similar, with some delays and some completely missed arrangements. We had to allow for some frustrations, just as other unexpected moments also enhanced the trip.
Their tour guide seemed to appear out of nowhere. Finally. She casually approached the house and we later found she seemed to be working off the radar. Still, we were relieved she made it at all, as Emily and Elise had a bus to catch in just a few hours.
The day was about to be scorching so thank goodness for the breezes, the evenings and proximity to the water. I noticed the pallor and light hair of the guide so when she explained her reason for balancing an umbrella and wearing thick jeans, everything made more sense. I interpreted her Spanish explanation to the others in English. She was extremely sensitive to the sun. The effects could harm her significantly.
KT and I were invited to the walking tour, which included farms, hot springs and the making of Cuban cigars, coffee, and honey. Though we didn’t know what to expect, these were very much on our must-see list. We were excited but just a bit worried about it being too commercial and along the beaten path.
I would conclude there was a mixture of mostly value and some basic selling, Not bad. Marketing can be naturally okay and mutually beneficial. For instance, Emily and Elise’s last day wasn’t going to leave them much more time to explore and what was readily accessible was their best option. Personally, I also like combining what we can learn officially from local guides and residents and what can be left to chance by meeting people and exploring on our own.
My knowledge of Spanish was a bonus since Emily and Elise did not speak Spanish and the tour guide did not speak English. I would act as interpreter, including diplomatically letting our guide know we had to get going several times – keep in mind the ladies had to get their bus soon.
We walked through the farms, nodded to the cowboys who occasionally passed by. We had an up-close tutorial on the making of Cuban cigars under a roof made of fermented leaves. The process from coffee bean to coffee was demonstrated to us as well and we taste tested the famed Cuban honey.
We were in luck for caving after all. We met two German guys in Viñales near Cueva de la Vaca. They had mapped out the cave and invited us along. They were completing their residency (Cuba’s medical community is top notch and the first to send doctors abroad for various medical emergencies and assistance). The off-the-grid guide, from earlier, said we could not reach the cave on our own. I’m glad she was incorrect, whether by accident or design, perhaps thinking it was too risky for her to lead people there.
Emily and Elise were irreplaceable, but we enjoyed hanging out and getting to know our two German friends later over dinner. There is this traveler perspective. There is something naturally intriguing that lends to camaraderie, not that there are no disarming interactions, but a lot of what goes into exploration speaks to being openminded, overall.
This is it. Thank you for taking this look back with me.
We later went to Cienfuegos, Trinidad, Juracao and Mayabeque, while returning to Havana in between stops: We stumbled on a boxing school, stopped to see the Milton Hershey train and found a nearly abandoned energy plant with an employee who volunteered to show us more. We hopped on a local train and for a while we could see we were getting to spaces not frequented by just two tourists, but more so from an organized scheduled tour group (as the plant employee had explained).
Still, we were equally excited to experience much of what was recommended. We ended the day before our return flight in Havana at Fábrica de Arte, (more details in my audio here). Following some missteps, we finally made it inside. If at first you don’t succeed, try try try again.