
August 31, 2023 by Cassandra Johnson

2006 to 2023. Have I been here a little longer than I expected? I suspect I am just surprised how much time has passed. I was open to different professional and personal outcomes, but I see most experiences lead me back to the same clarity.

August 1st: I completely accepted that I am again ready for another setting, more interested in connecting with friends and family more often.

Similar to yesterday’s reflection, I am fairly set on how much I am just going to look forward to visiting here.

August 4th: Downsizing proves to be just as much effort as I have been forewarned about. Naturally I did not want to see this as daunting for my own wellbeing. Couldn’t this just be extra busy work? Couldn’t this still be seamless?No. Not at all. I also need a lot of other aspects to fall into place like the availability of people and their interests in acquiring more stuff along with me having the time to deal with all such circumstances. Also factor in unexpected events like today’s impromptu dental appointment😊 (Enter August 31st).

August 12th: Feeling reality. I’m feeling confident and uncertain. These two exist together, somehow. I dismantle some furniture and clean out my end tables. I go through old mementos. I remove unnecessary items from my bookcase. With so many details, I push my trip back (admittedly with some procrastinating comfort). I can’t push back my desires. This could get messy. This is also okay.

The month flies like so many with me determined not to forget my everyday demands.

August 26th – DC United Soccer – My good friend and I spend the evening at the home game and hanging out. Perfect timing for a nice outing. There was the thought of how long ago it had been since we watched the game in person, so much so, we were just now getting to enjoy the new Stadium. I was reminded of my younger more impressionable years when I first arrived here. I was reminded of the now defunct stadium we once cheered in.

Everything was welcome in its own time.


The challenges remain.

The goals do too.

You Are Here


Discouragement is part of the territory. Sometimes pain is self-inflicted. Sometimes we consider ourselves not to be reaching enough of our goals fast enough.

There was an incredibly simple song I enjoyed in primary school. Beginning with “little by little”*, there was such a polite nudge and a naturally successful logic to the ending of “little by lot”

I have been known to overwork in some fashions, obsessively moving towards some ends. However, I have become wiser in avoiding so much additional strain. The bruises have their own lessons.

Life’s leaps have not been exactly what I would imagine them to be, but I am fortunate to have the freedom to test my limits.

Work has been my latest attempt but getting to work for myself took considerable courage and I need some more. Nothing is certain.

Imagining exactly what something is like before you try is not expected. Personally, going away to college was one thing. Moving to a city where I did not know anyone was another.

Liberation and fears are included with your steps forward. You get discouraged some days and on other days you see your dreams as plausible.

Experiences up or down can hopefully change us for the better. My stress and pains have prepared me a little more. Discouragement can also have a way of giving us more to consider. Can we get past our believed and true obstacles? Success is the reminder.

Traveling alone to another country was better than I could have ever invented in my head. The trips like the leaps sometimes feel so natural. I have had these nudges to continue going where my goals are shifting and the what-ifs torment me way more than what seems impossible.

Figuring out our own puzzles is reaffirming as well as just giving ourselves the chance to try.

And Again


I finally got the chance to visit my family again since lockdown. The visit was much needed. I first talked about the gift of getting to see them here. You May Go Home Again.

Now I just need to get there more often.

I need to get there as often as I plan to travel abroad again. Navigating this new world is tricky. I was at first uneasy about flying for the first time since the pandemic, but the airline and airport was pretty organized. It would be nice if we had reached a definitive goal in which we could all be sure or almost certain that we could not get ill, but uncertainty has lingered with us for what seems longer than 2 years. 2020 remains surreal to me. Life still feels adjacent because I think we may have also thought there would be a clear point when we could go without certain precautions, when cases would be mild. I imagine there could be a day when we see this but now the picture looks a lot more like adjusting to the new normal.

Being able to do more cautiously has been comforting. Knowing there is a lot to get through is daunting. Maybe life is not knowing exactly what we need to do next yet and figuring out our most responsible alternatives as we go.

Connection is needed and I am glad I got to do some more this past month. A variety of connection is needed, and better answers are welcome. We can be assured and admit what we do not always know. So I personally imagine I will keep making new decisions as I go. The path may not always be clear. The destination still calls us there.

Good Health


I think I have determined for me and some others, we may crave more variety than we know, hence the empty feeling of falling into a rut. What we may need is challenging work, a type of routine, dependability, spontaneity, vacation, and rest in different amounts depending on what drives us. Too much of one at any time has left us stuck, I am seeing.

We may crave variety more than we know while we also need stability. The wistful feeling of falling into some monotony while establishing a reliable routine became more apparent to me recently as routines became incredibly routine. I did not mind doing what was needed but I began to see how we all have to really take care of ourselves and have the proper outlets, entertainment, and recuperation.

In the natural flow of life, I found I seek comforts but also want to be challenged. I want to be pleasantly surprised, feeling safe with some place where I can continue to take risks.

Just when there has been enough rest and vacation, I actually find it nice to have the challenge of fulfilling work where I am accomplishing something.

Just when feeling like work is relentless and not wanting to deal with any stress that comes with communicating work politics and meeting proper deadlines, a nice getaway filled with idyllic scenery is a great touch or a staycation is a nice reset.

Within the layers, we can revel in a night out with friends dancing and laughing or a quiet walk outside with just a headset in tow. Working from a different part of my home office or mixing remote work with office work when I was still at my last company, I began to look forward to both and the change in scenery. Inserting some variety helped me appreciate the options. Distinguishing between what I prefer and what I do not like, which could also change, fit my big picture.

A healthy emotional state can be hard to maintain and should not be expected. We remember being “only human” and “there is no such thing as perfection” but those sentiments still seem rejected, striving in ways that sometimes are not perfectly attainable and forgetting some significant wins.

We still have a lot of possibilities for what life may bring and I would like to find my way by mixing it up. Variety, it’s true, is the spice of life*. Even in our interests, we should consider uncovering as much as we can.



My days are predictable and then they are unpredictable. I am able to get my fitness in very regularly and sleep well and then some days, my tasks have to get juggled a little differently. Meet today. Wednesday. What is this sleep and I promised myself dinner would be better than lunch (although ironically lunch involved fruit and dinner was pizza, but you see what I mean 😉).

Chilling and casually ticking tasks off my list or rapidly typing away. In either scenario, I am feeling at ease. I adore my new schedule. My worst complaint and grumbling as a freelancer does not even come close to touching the upside. I now don’t feel pulled in several uneven directions. My multitasking is there but she is tailor-made for me, now that I have left my office job.

Today had me working nonstop (from the night before) until I met my targets and deadlines but on days like this, when I am working particularly hard, I notice I have more peace of mind than the days I was not my boss. Now, of course I do have to answer to deadlines and consequently to some people, but there is such a different aura in being able to rest whenever I am done and not having to answer to any extra work issues.

Since I worked on getting my official certifcation, I have always been glad I started on the path to becoming a freelancer. My previous jobs did enhance the skills I need to progress and handle work so I give credit where credit is due and acknowlege the fun and perks of having an employer.

At the moment, what I am particularly taking away from previous work is how I should be incorporating a much better to-do list for myself. I could be doing what I did for others for myself. 😊 I also miss friends/coworkers but I am much more excited to stay in touch when we can without work-related items pulling at us.

I have not wavered although some days are noticeably downward emotionally and nonwork related. I think that is human and natural. I am excited to do more, so I am working on my own performance review to move me and my business goals a bit further each week.

Therefore I will be working on other projects like writing and as I mentioned, connecting and reconnecting with like-minded and/or supportive people. I see some travel in our future.

For now, as I wait and plan and save, I will be having more fun with my long and short-term investments. Currently, life is about staying in touch with folks, translating, teaching and learning. I like to stay open to see what interesting people and circumstances happen to be next. My main objective is still taking care of my passions and getting to see my friends and family whenever I can.

Reminders Welcome


I had a moment where I realized the need to continue connecting and reconnecting with more like-minded people. I had an acquaintance I had not been in touch with for a number of years who recently and ultimately unconvincingly tried to let me know he would be so excited if we could “get a chance to catch up”.  He made it seem almost urgent.

image credit Canva

I do also want to be mindful of not dismissing him for his behavior. Arguably, I am particularly set in my ways as well so being different from each other is not a mark against either of us. His particular outreach however in trying to get my latest contact info was more about adding me to his financial planning prospect list. I had no problem with the product (well perhaps in the limiting perspective he had about it) but mostly, I had a problem with the pretense of this being a true mutual reconnection.

A little introspection was next. Not necessarily making the right judgments will rapidly take you there. During our conversation, I quickly determined he had not really heard my perspective. At the minimum he was barely acknowledging it. I am glad I did not expend much more energy catching him up on what I have been up to over the past several years. Often it is not all that difficult to tell when someone is invested in what is significant to us. A few moments can give this away.

He definitely seemed more interested in moving to the next thing, which put the focus on his ventures. He briefly asked what I did for freelancing while his next inquiry sounded pretty par for the course for capturing leads at a networking event. Networking is needed and nice but this felt so out of place with how excited he spoke on soley just being able to catch up and chat.

I am glad I instantly recognized the lack of space for me. Now, there is this appreciation of being so aware of those who do support me and who I support. Why not channel my energy there? Sometimes we can get caught up in trying to prove ourselves to others and even to ourselves. I almost went there with him to let him know there are more ways than just his way. Yes, there is a time to choose our battles. Yes, there are times we need to knock over the hurdles and be seen. We figure it out.

Fortunately, my circle now is of like-minded people including those who think differently, but still really get me. It was intriguing how this acquaintance reconnected and reminded me of leaning into limitations. There are so many non-limiting connections and people I still click with from the past so perhaps this was a good reminder of individuals who I simply will not get, who are not meant to get me. I appreciate the people here who share my interests and appreciate the support in general.

Time Well Spent


Cassandra Johnson has resigned her position with the association, her last day will be Monday, November 2.  We are sorry to see Cassandra depart the association, but wish her well! Thank you-

Above is how the announcement to my colleagues read.

The letter to my Director read:

…Thanks for our talk! It has been a pleasure getting to work with you and I appreciate all your support. I am going to take this time to continue focusing my time around traveling and volunteering. I am thankful for the opportunity I have had to meet so many dynamic and committed people, both as members and as colleagues and I will miss you and [the company]. I would like my last day to be November 2, 2020. I thank you for some very well-spent time.

The nervousness was intense as I went back and forth on the moment I knew this was right.

I am grateful I was able to step through the experience when in some ways, life remains seemingly easy when it is more predictable. Equally, I am also truly grateful for the opportunity to work at this last company for five years, This is not to say work was simply easy, but there have been plenty of nice times with plenty of cool people.

Following an even lengthier time of working away in various offices, I am surprised at how I no longer seem to be as nervous as guessed I would be upon leaving. Opening this next chapter feels more like a personal evolution.

Everyone is different and every soul requires something uniquely personal to grow. It could be inside an office or far from one.

I am interestingly satisfied and hungry at the same time. There is no blueprint because none of our paths can be exactly the same. I have no one to follow exactly. Still I am seeing how excitement overtakes the nerves and I am sensing the possibilities in being even more myself. Now it is a week from yesterday (updated) that will be my last one at work and changing careers for me has become more unorthodox than ever. Still I have my fellow travelers like many of you and nomads alike who inspire me and let me know what is possible. More to come. More to grow. Thank you for your time spent with me.

This Is It


This is what I have most likely concluded: I am just about two weeks away from walking away and stepping into my new uncertain schedule. I am excited and deeply nervous. Notice the two weeks or rather the two-week notice.

Will I work? I would say I am interestingly unprepared because I have very little lined up for stability aside from some very interesting prospects which I developed on my side hustling detours.

My calculation: Being nomadic with one or two home bases. That is ideal.

One note about the objective: I have already learned a lot about myself and my process when it comes to working for myself. It is both encouraging and scary.

The question is how will I sharpen my skills and finally turn into the leisure traveler and volunteer, who has big plans but a fairly open agenda.

Nothing is written in stone. Thank goodness. Will I be back to an orthodox life? I hope not. My goal may change, and I welcome new knowledge. My goal may become a variation on a theme.

Okay, but truly how vague is this blog entry going to get? 😊 You know the key elements: freelancing, nomadic, traveling-when-it-is-safe-to-do-so, and a pending notice to give up my current work life as I have known it. I am so accustomed to working a certain way, I sense life will be odd, yet I cannot ignore a growing excitement.

Right now, I also have my eye out for the gigs which are most supportive of me, as my true self, as my new lifestyle is growing. I need the support of all things less draining and which actually fill me with energy. I can tell the difference. This drive compels me, and I feel less washed out. I feel like I can work longer or like I do not always need to work so hard, and rest comes much more naturally. These days it sometimes just feels like exhaustion and I suspect that to be more so from the mental gymnastics.

For now, this is it. I laid out a lot in my related posts below but just as much as I do not know the details of what is next, I am leaving this open.

– except to say thanks to you.

Your time is always appreciated.

*image: Canva designed + Cassandra written



As anxious as I may be to take charge of my own livelihood, I am quite fortunate to have a job with income and capabilities that allow me to work from home while there are many who do not.

I will hold space here for the people who are being majorly set back by the financial, emotional and mortal effects of this virus as it remains with us. The unfathomable is that people have lost their jobs, that many are unsheltered – homeless, without the option of self-isolating. The unthinkable is that many jailed and detained people have limited options for social distancing and hygienic practices. Still further, depending on what dwelling in which you stay and in what part of the world you live – not going out and earning a living and/or securing food means not providing the necessary resources for yourself and your family, and the conditions don’t lend themselves at all to staying several feet apart. I understand every person is a part of what helps the world go around, all of us. There can be no mistake that each path of each person goes into the framework of all our outcomes.

I take note to appreciate an overarching company leadership who does not view it as trivial to give us the option to work from home, reevaluating as the time comes. They let us have the choice to exercise healthy safe precautions for ourselves and others. With my job, some go into the office, but many of us are in our respective homes working steadily, reciprocally safeguarding one another’s health.

With my gratitude, I will hold space for people like me, working to maintain some regularity, persevering to continue to be a helpful employee or employer, working to contribute and stay whole as a part of the whole world, as much as we possibly can right now. I will encourage, especially my entrepreneurial readers and those looking to grow and be promoted within their companies to work on some skills they have been meaning to nurture more recently or even for some time. I’m encouraging myself to go that route as well.

My workout routine has become home-based and another effort to maintain some normalcy with not only physical healthiness but mental healthiness as well. Fresh air from time to time and social distancing and much hand washing, I’m reminding myself to heed the warnings, in the ways I can, as not to be a danger to others or myself –  as far as I know. I guess that’s one of the things which can cause panic: the not knowing. However, with Eckhart Tolle, in my studies, who helped guide me, following the loss of my father, I also have some practices in place for living/honoring the present moment and working on self-improvement. I highly recommend him and thank you again for stopping by. Stay safe, where you may be. Know you are loved and a unique part of this world’s beautiful presence.



Another February


Becoming a free agent is going to be quite the trip, adding to some other personal parallel journeys.

Adding in gratefulness for all past and present paths, I’m ready – as far as I know.

All-nighters or rather, perhaps quasi all-nighters, here I come. It’s time to increase the work-at-home gigs and freestyle-freelance gigs on my way to even more of this volunteer travel life. I’m referring to this, personally, as my volunteer life challenge (keeping me ever closer to who I suspect myself to be).

At past and first glance, I thought about looking forward to what weekends are supposed to be and especially to those extended weekends and random PTO days, here and there. Then, I had a moment. Something different occurred to me, with the help of some hardworking YouTubers, writers and other creative people. Maybe I’d much rather capitalize on these times and power through, in an effort to have my future consist of what feels more like endless Saturdays, commencing and ending with volunteering, writing, translating, traveling, family, friends, discovery and soaking up forever suns and restful nights. Not a bad challenge that leads to that finish line.

I’m fortunate to have a birthday that ends in my favorite month, February. Reflecting on everything, every person I’ve met, knowledge of every ancestor paving the way and all my personal experiences, painful or dear – knowledge of what got me here is padding my steps.

I’ve worked hard before but for some different errant objectives. These were not regretful. Many were quite commendable, but rather for another time and another me not as ready as this one (probably even less developed for the me to come).

Being altogether better at meditating, resting up, working and chilling in between… I’m curiously excited about what and who I get to meet and of course, revisit. More to be shared. More to be seen.

Image Credits:
Images by geralt on Pixabay
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