April 30, 2023 by Cassandra Johnson
Many times, what you want to do has been done before. Someone could tell you almost exactly what to expect as you map out your goals. I think about this now more than ever. I regularly hear you should seek advice, as I am watching someone’s content and in our growing self-democratized spaces, we do seem to have a lot more access to information. It also means there is a lot more to sift through to find what’s relevant, but for the most part, understandably there is someone you can connect with who can aid you in your efforts. The same is true of people in our everyday lives.
Take the steps that can more easily guide you, while saving time. This seems simple. I hear what they are saying, and I also see how easy it is not to completely accept the advice.
I practiced more of the opposite all my life. School work. Professional work. Striving. When it came to projects, tasks and long term goals, it seemed easier to proceed with doing it all on my own and reverting to that is so tempting. In work, I just found it natural to be self-sufficient, either not to bother others, or ironically to help them and our consumers more.
My thoughts were on working quicker and not needing to rely on others. Looking back, however, my stance was also detrimental. While I could feel some empowerment, I was also painting myself into a corner. Tough work patterns were easy to recognize in friends, but I was more easily an advocate of them than myself. Sure, I increased my knowledge, but I also increased my work. Then I carried my heavier workload over to my personal goals.
The above advice for help is much clearer. Otherwise, I would be limiting myself. Community is part of my life but not as much as it can be, not as much as I can be guided, and I can reciprocate that guidance. I have a lot to share instead of just powering through, succeeding, hitting walls, course correcting and unnecessarily wasting time. I learned a lot from writers and content creators, but replicating some of their success means that it’s also okay to be in community with them. No one has just done everything alone.
So as I have faced a lot of bureaucracy being my own business advocate, I welcome more earnest information. Joining the Stephanie Perry Crew has been inspiring. Changing a self-reliant mindset will be easier when I see people doing what I want to do, as she says.
This is my opening to less hard work in a weird way because I so used to value that in itself. Now, I see the flaws too. I could work harder doing something the wrong way.
I know the relief when colleagues or the like have helped me with no complaints and no expectations. I need to walk the walk with other people just as well as being seIf-determined and self-sufficient in many ways.
This is my beginning, joining the lovely ladies of Stephanie’s group and also opening up and sharing as much of my experiences with them, helping as much as I can.