As anxious as I may be to take charge of my own livelihood, I am quite fortunate to have a job with income and capabilities that allow me to work from home while there are many who do not.

I will hold space here for the people who are being majorly set back by the financial, emotional and mortal effects of this virus as it remains with us. The unfathomable is that people have lost their jobs, that many are unsheltered – homeless, without the option of self-isolating. The unthinkable is that many jailed and detained people have limited options for social distancing and hygienic practices. Still further, depending on what dwelling in which you stay and in what part of the world you live – not going out and earning a living and/or securing food means not providing the necessary resources for yourself and your family, and the conditions don’t lend themselves at all to staying several feet apart. I understand every person is a part of what helps the world go around, all of us. There can be no mistake that each path of each person goes into the framework of all our outcomes.

I take note to appreciate an overarching company leadership who does not view it as trivial to give us the option to work from home, reevaluating as the time comes. They let us have the choice to exercise healthy safe precautions for ourselves and others. With my job, some go into the office, but many of us are in our respective homes working steadily, reciprocally safeguarding one another’s health.

With my gratitude, I will hold space for people like me, working to maintain some regularity, persevering to continue to be a helpful employee or employer, working to contribute and stay whole as a part of the whole world, as much as we possibly can right now. I will encourage, especially my entrepreneurial readers and those looking to grow and be promoted within their companies to work on some skills they have been meaning to nurture more recently or even for some time. I’m encouraging myself to go that route as well.

My workout routine has become home-based and another effort to maintain some normalcy with not only physical healthiness but mental healthiness as well. Fresh air from time to time and social distancing and much hand washing, I’m reminding myself to heed the warnings, in the ways I can, as not to be a danger to others or myself –  as far as I know. I guess that’s one of the things which can cause panic: the not knowing. However, with Eckhart Tolle, in my studies, who helped guide me, following the loss of my father, I also have some practices in place for living/honoring the present moment and working on self-improvement. I highly recommend him and thank you again for stopping by. Stay safe, where you may be. Know you are loved and a unique part of this world’s beautiful presence.

