Friendship In A Day


A nice spin on getting to spend time with a good friend is getting to do the same in paradise. 2019. Enter Puerto Rico.

I was post volunteering (doing some sightseeing here and there and taking in the suggestions for all the local events which happen to be taking place). A beach being just up the road did not hurt matters nor did Old San Juan being about 10-minutes away by bus or Uber.

My friend and I had talked about how fun it would be if we finally had the chance to travel together. As we usually had a collection of getaway stories to share, we pondered how fun it could be if we had those stories in common.

Planning out our schedule for what was some good timing, we carved out one overlapping day and for this span of the time, we went to the beach, went to some tourist spots, dined on some nice cuisine, and later realized how we may not have even had the time.

We were appreciating how the plan came together despite the time winding down. We could relax, even having the time to shoot the breeze over dinner with other travelers, share music at a local bar, and be a part of the nightlife.

Decadent dessert was also good for my enthusiasm 😊 and this was all in good time before my 2ish am flight. I would see him again back on home turf.

Connecting and hanging out with new people abroad is one highlight. Then there is this other magic of passing the time with local friends on an excursion and fortunately for us, the island gifted us both its excitement and serenity..

Getting to see each other was a nice bonus to each of our itineraries. Remember the company you keep. Leave room for the relaxing escapes and for the very real connections.

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