I don’t really get crushes often though I see guys I definitely find very attractive in the DMV area (my current home that is the DC, Maryland, Virginia area ) but there was something about this guy I met a week ago that has my interest more than piqued. It’s cliché to say but again, clichés can be true to say or write so I’m going to go with it: There was just something about him.
He pulled up in his Mercedez Benz (and that’s not why – this is purely for description purposes) and he seemed so purposeful, self-assured, gentle and present, though it would turn out he had a lot going on. Yet, that added another nice dimension. His life reminded me of … well, mine right now. I’m learning my way into a new job at the same company and stepping fully into the overwhelm while eating my feelings as well I felt it exactly last week during this work travel when my really good friend and I made the most out of those dessert portions of our meals. The difference between he and I, or so it seems, is that he was without the stress level. I have my job and other outside interests to which I am committed and I am fluctuating between the good type of surrenderand feeling sometimes buried. (Still, I’m convinced it will all come together or apart in a good way.) I’m most right when I’m writing, translating, reading, volunteering andtradingand I know it means gravitating towards what fuels me the best. The advice I’m getting is to let go of so-called everyday obligations and I will actually get more and more done.
The work trip ended, and I was waiting for this Uber comfort ride back to the airport from my hotel. Turns out this is a seasonal side job for my crush, and I noticed how well he listened and how deliberate his words were. We chatted and when he asked what I do, there was a space there that really took in my answers. It’s not that there is this negative thought that others are not listening nor that they don’t care, but there was a notable feeling of acceptance and acknowledgement in this moment that sometimes may get lost in conversations when we are anxious to share stories. I do it to others as well. It’s not intentional, but I believe, very human, in our efforts to express who we are and be heard. In this instance however, the wide space of being noticed was quite evident and with natural reciprocity, my focus was outward too. Nothing to prove. No room for misinterpretation. Rather just a willingness to share a more-than-surface conversation.
He may happen to visit this post along with other ones. I don’t
mind. He asked if he could see the site and I welcome it too.
I kept my promise to myself about two things I said I would
do this week, one being to attend the stock trader meetup and the other to
attend the eCommerce event that focuses on financial freedom. You can visit my blog from last week that talks
about the fear that comes with embarking on a path that’s more about your
passions. More than a rant, the piece turned into more of a motivation to me (and
hopefully to anyone that can identify with it). I called it a rant, but I think
that was in response to momentarily being a little put off that I’m not fully immersed
into my translating and community organizing lifestyle. The truth is; however,
I have never not had my passions somehow incorporated into my life. I still
believe in so many things that mean people being good to each other and my connections for volunteering both here and abroad continue
to be revisited through my network of friends and second families. Sometimes,
it’s easy to forget when you get distracted by the supposed everyday obligations.
So, as I continue down this road of truer meanings, I find that it’s a drive not just for me but also for anybody that can identify with me on my journey. It won’t just be about my growth. It will mean even more of me expanding my reach and assisting others (however long or short distance my actions may go). Accordingly, I am going to keep putting one foot outside the box, a bit at a time.
I just finished up another freelance translating assignment.
It was quite interesting. It was easier than some of my previous ones. I find
that I really do enjoy the tourism and travel related ones. There were four
short pieces I did for a client that spoke to the beauty of Mexico’s beaches,
family-friendly hotels and even a piece about the skin and hair health benefits
of coconut extract. I can already tell how being my own boss and setting my own
varied work and community outreach schedule is going to be exhilarating. (I
have an opportunity to be a linguist with an organization – but it wouldn’t
exactly be freelancing – perhaps I can also work with them).
My experience at the day/swing trader meetup was quite empowering as well. It turns out that I am sufficiently learning the market and that I have a swing trade strategy that is similar to a few guys in the group. Some of the them trade equities. Some trade options. One does Forex (foreign exchange) and there were others. I have more to study. I give myself about a 70% understanding of what was going on that night. For some reason, I was the only lady within the group that attended this particular meeting. I’m pretty certain I saw some in the group on meetup.com. I guess they just couldn’t make it that night. I wasn’t intimidated at all and the guys were very cool. Still, I would love to meet the other ladies as well. Maybe next time.
There was another meetup happening at the restaurant that same night, helping to create some momentary misdirection. (By the way, the other meetups I belong to are related to embassy events, history and culture, one for English-Spanish conversation language exchange, and one known as Networking after Work). As I chatted a bit more with the incorrect contacts, it was revealed that they were not the investor group. I heard poly and want to guess a polyamorous group. I very sweetly dismissed myself. The guy that had previously been behind me in the checkout line was a part of this group and was motioning for me to keep my seat (not realizing that I wasn’t supposed to be there at all). They were all nice, but I had stock guidance to get to.
The guys in the area of the restaurant that was closed off
and reserved made more sense. Seeing them with their laptops and the premiere
slide of the organizer’s presentation up on the wall made it clear this is
where I belonged
though it was the first time I’d joined such an event.
I opened my laptop to the stock spreadsheet that is my watch list and I will say I felt extremely comfortable outside of my comfort zone for the rest of that evening. Everyone was informed and informative on various levels and I participated sporadically. Paying close attention, taking a few notes, networking for some tips and finishing off my mini lemon tart, I made a mental note to continue trading equities that represent my values and that I understand. I’m good with learning a bit more about this day by day.
My intention leans towards financial freedom while I focus
on my passions. I have my lifetime investments but am open to trying new
things. I’m fascinated with how others have created ideal lifestyles as I’m
married to the possibilities of spending more time on creating, volunteering
and sharing more time with family and friends.
As I briefly mentioned earlier, regarding my second act of
stepping outside the box, I was intrigued by this eCommerce event that my
friend and I attended. This was just a day after the meetup and both events caused
me to think that there is something to be said for steadily challenging your
mind in the proper ways.
I did agree with my friend on how the presentation of this
event had a very sales pitchy feel to it. However, since we both know the results
behind it are possible, I decided to sign up for the company’s upcoming 3-day
workshop. I’m interested in what they say could be a potential side business,
allowing me to focus more fully on writing, translation, volunteering and
Following my previously posted “rant”, this is my latest update. That was a “rant” that may have incidentally coincided with reminding myself to explore and then explore some more. My heart seemed to take over my writing for a while back there. I gratefully embrace that because I don’t ever want to forget what means the most to me and to everyone with whom I have had the pleasure of connecting. Thank you again for sharing your time with me. Always appreciated!
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again soon!