The Revolution, Public Transportation, and Music

Excerpt from Inside Cuba in 2016: A Lot Can Happen in 10 Days

The first day included continued strolls and other stops around Havana.

KT and I took something of a small very manual vehicle to the Malecón, the waterfront, where we would periodically return several times. We gained two new adventurous Australian friends along the way.

The Museum of the Revolution was one of our first self-guided stops.

Having a guide or an impromptu inside person facilitated some experiences. Then there were also plenty of everyday friendly Cuban people ready to share suggestions, advice, and encouragement. We got some okay and really good directions to eateries, the markets, and museums and we got a lot of curious inquiries about ourselves as well. This was true in every Cuban city we visited. We didn’t appear to be the everyday tourists.

There were some temporary fails getting where we intended to be or at least as quickly as we would have liked. We did well on our own as well, while leaving enough time to explore.

There would be some pretty open conversations with residents about the culture and everyday ambience.

We ran into some familiar travelers from spot to spot, also there on holiday. We found ourselves in the midst of multiple celebrations.

There was our planned agenda and then there was another one that kept us returning to Havana between various cities and towns which included Viñales, Trinidad, Cienfuegos, Mayabeque, Guanabo and Juracao. The capital city became quite the temporary home base.😊

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