Time Well Spent


Cassandra Johnson has resigned her position with the association, her last day will be Monday, November 2.  We are sorry to see Cassandra depart the association, but wish her well! Thank you-

Above is how the announcement to my colleagues read.

The letter to my Director read:

…Thanks for our talk! It has been a pleasure getting to work with you and I appreciate all your support. I am going to take this time to continue focusing my time around traveling and volunteering. I am thankful for the opportunity I have had to meet so many dynamic and committed people, both as members and as colleagues and I will miss you and [the company]. I would like my last day to be November 2, 2020. I thank you for some very well-spent time.

The nervousness was intense as I went back and forth on the moment I knew this was right.

I am grateful I was able to step through the experience when in some ways, life remains seemingly easy when it is more predictable. Equally, I am also truly grateful for the opportunity to work at this last company for five years, This is not to say work was simply easy, but there have been plenty of nice times with plenty of cool people.

Following an even lengthier time of working away in various offices, I am surprised at how I no longer seem to be as nervous as guessed I would be upon leaving. Opening this next chapter feels more like a personal evolution.

Everyone is different and every soul requires something uniquely personal to grow. It could be inside an office or far from one.

I am interestingly satisfied and hungry at the same time. There is no blueprint because none of our paths can be exactly the same. I have no one to follow exactly. Still I am seeing how excitement overtakes the nerves and I am sensing the possibilities in being even more myself. Now it is a week from yesterday (updated) that will be my last one at work and changing careers for me has become more unorthodox than ever. Still I have my fellow travelers like many of you and nomads alike who inspire me and let me know what is possible. More to come. More to grow. Thank you for your time spent with me.