(I promised myself that I would share a post as soon as I got back from my San Diego work trip. Forgive me if it is a little raw – I began it before I left and keeping it true to form to what my heart was telling my mind at the time, I’m only adding a little more. It’s incredibly short but I’m also here to just say hello, from time to time, as well.)

To be perfectly clear, writing here gets me clear. When I pretend to myself that I’m not exactly sure of what I want to do next, I am most honest when I come to write and share with you all here. I’m more honest about what I would truly like to be doing, where I would truly like to be.

All the people who inspire and support me get me closer to inspiring myself. I know that is everyone reading right now and the thought leaders I follow. I can let go of the reins of everyday life’s societal induced goals and have an honest conversation with myself about what really matters. I can do this instead of working my mind around to fitting the “acceptable goals” of the 9 to 5 life followed by supposedly aspiring retirement ones. I can do this without getting sidetracked with the worry of some folks thinking I’ve gone off the deep end. I can laugh and hope this is exactly where some do think I have gone.

Recalling that I’m going to wake up with myself every day as along I am blessed to do so, I can be as cheeky as I want here, believing in my way and others’ righteous ways as well. There is not just one way to be and the goal (as Oprah says) is to get closer to being ourselves every day.

I can put myself out there with every moment that passes, be scared, hold back and then find myself drawn to experimenting with life’s safety limits again. It’s interestingly fulfilling to be dissatisfied with the status quo and I hope to have you join me one day in person (volunteer with me) or I hope to meet you via email, post, phone, Skype, WhatsApp, Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram. I hope the path gets even clearer as we get more real and do more of the right things for ourselves and others.