Another February


Becoming a free agent is going to be quite the trip, adding to some other personal parallel journeys.

Adding in gratefulness for all past and present paths, I’m ready – as far as I know.

All-nighters or rather, perhaps quasi all-nighters, here I come. It’s time to increase the work-at-home gigs and freestyle-freelance gigs on my way to even more of this volunteer travel life. I’m referring to this, personally, as my volunteer life challenge (keeping me ever closer to who I suspect myself to be).

At past and first glance, I thought about looking forward to what weekends are supposed to be and especially to those extended weekends and random PTO days, here and there. Then, I had a moment. Something different occurred to me, with the help of some hardworking YouTubers, writers and other creative people. Maybe I’d much rather capitalize on these times and power through, in an effort to have my future consist of what feels more like endless Saturdays, commencing and ending with volunteering, writing, translating, traveling, family, friends, discovery and soaking up forever suns and restful nights. Not a bad challenge that leads to that finish line.

I’m fortunate to have a birthday that ends in my favorite month, February. Reflecting on everything, every person I’ve met, knowledge of every ancestor paving the way and all my personal experiences, painful or dear – knowledge of what got me here is padding my steps.

I’ve worked hard before but for some different errant objectives. These were not regretful. Many were quite commendable, but rather for another time and another me not as ready as this one (probably even less developed for the me to come).

Being altogether better at meditating, resting up, working and chilling in between… I’m curiously excited about what and who I get to meet and of course, revisit. More to be shared. More to be seen.

Image Credits:
Images by geralt on Pixabay
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